Crosshole & Downhole Seismic
Crosshole Seismic (CS) and Downhole Seismic (DS) tests are performed on soil and rock sites to measure the in-place shear and compression wave velocity profiles of the soil and rock versus depth. Using these measurements, calculations can then be made of the dynamic soil and rock properties for earthquake design analyses for structures (per the USB), liquefaction potential studies, site development and dynamic machine foundation designs. The parameters that can be determined include Poisson’s ratios as well as shear and Young's moduli. In addition, the material damping can be estimated from CS test results. The CS is a cross-hole test that requires at least two boreholes, while DS testing requires only one.

Applicable On:
Test For:
Dynamic soil and rock properties
Shear and compressional wave velocity values
Poisson’s Ratio
Elastic moduli

Structural, Pavement, & Tunnel Methods
Foundation Depth & Integrity Methods
Geophysical Methods
Electrical Resistivity
Ground Penetrating Radar